Natural Resource Degradation and the Native Tribes of Louisiana

Natural Resource Degradation and the Native Tribes of Louisiana

Green plants, fresh food, clean water: all a source of survival and spirituality in the native tribes of Louisiana. Natural resources to many are very distant; we buy our food from grocery stores, our water is fresh with fluoride the second we want it, our sidewalks are plush with oak and palm trees. We don’t think about the physical and cultural meaning natural resources hold. This significance is understood best by the indigenous people of Louisiana.

Pay it Forward, Support the Gala!

Pay it Forward, Support the Gala!

On March 31st, LifeCity will host the Love Your City Awards Gala. The gala will support 111 organizations that have joined the Love Your City platform to share and commit to sustainability in New Orleans. These businesses have committed to uplifting their city, employees, and values. The gala will not only honor these businesses, but will pay it forward to the New Orleans East community, by preventing 8,000 square feet of flooding on a farm that will then produce food for the surrounding community.