Free Technical Assistance
How do you love your city?
Business can be messy…
We can help you Keep it Clean.
The Love Your City Initiative provides free technical assistance to companies interested in becoming more equitable and sustainable through the Love Your City Platform and our technical assistance partners (TAPs).
Login to to create your free profile and local sustainability score card. Each badge you earn is a lesson in sustainability and is a free way for your to prove your impact locally.
We offer free technical assistance to help manufacturers become more equitable and sustainable. Funded through partnerships with the EPA and DOE, our E4 Assessments on average save companies $100,000 annually.
Louisiana is ranked third among all states in manufacturing's share (22.6%) of Gross State Product. From food and beverage manufacturing known from the State of Louisiana to our chemical refining seen from the 1-10 Corridor, manufacturing is an important backbone of our economy.
At the same time, Louisiana is ranked #1 in the country for pollution according to the EPA. We believe that we can leverage our strengths to also maximize the good we can create for our people, culture, and environment through our technical assistance partners building a more equitable and sustainable future.
We work with several technical assistance partners to provide a comprehensive assessment to manufacturers including:
ENERGY ASSESSMENT: LSU Industrial Assessment Center
ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT: Louisiana Small Business Development Center
Based on the Census Investing in Manufacturing Communities Data Tool, our three P2 National Emphasis Areas (NEAs) are: NEA #1: Food and Beverage Manufacturing and Processing; NEA #2: Chemical Manufacturing, Processing and Formulation; and NEA #5: Metal Manufacturing and Fabrication.
Pollution Prevention Partnership
By partnering with two major universities in the region, we offer direct technical assistance to chemical, metal, and food and beverage manufacturers in Louisiana to reduce pollution in our community while enhancing business profitability. Direct technical assistance is provided on-site, through workshop training, follow-up and coordinating calls, and video guides and marketing material. These efforts are additionally supported through our unique place-based approach to identify pollution prevention best practices, certify local impact, and recognize our most impactful leaders.