New Orleans faces a challenge in providing adequate public transportation to its residents. Roughly 20% of New Orleans households do not have a personal vehicle, and live and work in areas that have infrequent services. A public engagement summary showed that riders want more frequent service above reliability, scope, and better bus stops. New Links, a New Orleans Regional Planning Commission project, recommended a comprehensive network plan in February of 2021 that called for:
Improved frequency
More equitable service
More efficient service
Better job access across parish lines
Transfer hubs
New Links Public Engagement Survey Results
While such improvements are up to the city to actually implement, as a business, you can:
Be flexible with employees reliant on public transportation by planning shifts around bus schedules and allowing an occasional grace period for lateness and inclement weather
Give transportation resources and information on the RTA system by posting transit routes where employees can access it, finding Stop ID codes to buses that stop around your business, and broadcasting the transit arrival times on an available screen
Provide or subsidize employees with a bus pass